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Stress- a necessary reaction or a harmful one?
Moving away from stress creates freedom

Let your inner fire be your best friend!
The element of fire is an active energy

The Kapha dosha can keep you grounded
The Kapha dosha can keep you grounded

Autumn brings up more opportunities for self-care
With grounded steps follow the colors of nature

Cool down your fire!
Enjoy the summer and do not forget to create gaps in your calendar for just-being, have fun, and fill up your energy.

Balance is key for health
Balance in all aspects of life is a prerequisite for health, according to the ancient science Ayurveda. A symptom is a sign that something is wrong caused by imbalances occurring. When balance is re-created, the imbalance heal and the symptom may disappear.

So what are the characteristics of an unbalanced vata?
Summer has passed by, holidays are over and a weekday with work, school and more routines is approaching. Many people are longing and find it nice to have a more structured life again. Others worry that performance and too many obligations will bring pressure on both life and well-being.

Don´t let the heat take over
August is almost here, the last month of the summer as we say in Sweden. This summer has been really hot so far, which reminds me of the summer of 2018. Back then, the heat lasted right into autumn, which came at the beginning of October. For Sweden, it was an extraordinarily hot and also a long summer.

The food- and sleeping bell can help you feel better
Since the pandemic we have been limited and forced to live differently than what we are used to. Circumstances like this, bring up the need of having extra control over routines and habits around sleep, food and exercise.