“Sensation of Yin”

will give you a basic introduction to the fascinating world of Yin yoga. By practicing Yin yoga, you can eliminate stress,  calm your mind, sustain a flexible body, heal your emotions, and understand your inner world.

✓ Yin yoga classes
✓ Breathwork
✓ Manual, journalling sheets
✓ 30 min FREE 1:1 coaching
✓ Unlimited Lifetime access

Let “Sensation of Yin” open up a new and sustainable path into your future life!

“Sensation of Yin” is a self-paced fundamental introduction to the magical world of Yin Yoga. The course gives you an understanding of the unique effects achieved by this calm and inward-looking form of yoga. Hundreds of AYA students have already experienced how Yin Yoga has opened up entirely new and sustainable pathways to a balanced and vibrant life of mindful presence. This skill is more important in this increasingly stressful world!

In passive Yin Yoga, our physical and mental attention is turned inward. Each position aims to lead you step by step away from the controlling thoughts and instead connect with your inner emotional world. By stretching the fascia - the connective tissue that holds our body and all its organs together - in slow sequences, energy is released that will heal your inner self. Precisely because Yin Yoga is passive, it is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or previous experience.

✓ Yin yoga classes
✓ Breathwork
✓ Manual, journalling sheets
✓ 30 min FREE 1:1 coaching
✓ Unlimited Lifetime access

“Sensation of Yin” will give you lifetime access to the following content online:

✅ Lectures about the Yin energy and how to approach Yin yoga

✅ 4 full-hour Yin classes

✅ Breathwork

✅ Manual

✅ Journaling Sheets


4 shorter Yin sequences/practices

30 min FREE 1:1 coaching with me

Price: €222

✓ Yin yoga classes
✓ Breathwork
✓ Manual, journalling sheets
✓ 30 min FREE 1:1 coaching
✓ Unlimited Lifetime access

Sensation of Yin

is for you if

you want to have more energy

you are ready to let go of pain

you are tired of being stressed

✅ you are longing for better sleep

✅ you wish to connect within

is not for you if

  • you are not ready to take action for a change

  • you are happy to continue living with pain and suffering

  • you are not ready to let go of stress

  • you are not ready to try something new

✓ Yin yoga classes
✓ Breathwork
✓ Manual, journalling sheets
✓ 30 min FREE 1:1 coaching
✓ Unlimited Lifetime access

“Sensation of Yin”

Your 4-week self-practice Yin yoga course online. With lifelong access, you will do this course at your own pace, and get your practice into your daily life.

Your Bonus, a 30 min 1:1 coaching session with me, will give you the support you need to take the next step in your yin yoga training, and to evolve your health!


Hi, I’m Wivi-Anne.

For most of my life I have worked as an official, mainly in finance and accounting. In my early thirties, during my career as a CEO and with a high load of stress, I started to feel ache moving around in my body.

Yoga became the solution for eliminating the pain and also led me to the path I have followed since then. It is now more than 20 years ago that yoga came to be my passion and companion. 

Adding my template of knowledge with education in Ayurveda and EQ (emotional intelligence) made it possible for me to bring a holistic understanding to our habits, daily routines and actions that create our health and level of energy and well-being.

✓ Yin yoga classes
✓ Breathwork
✓ Manual, journalling sheets
✓ 30 min FREE 1:1 coaching
✓ Unlimited Lifetime access