Balance is key for health
According to the ancient science of Ayurveda, balance in all aspects of life is a prerequisite for health. An imbalance is when a person has too much of something - more than they have in their basic constitution.
We, humans, are all part of nature as well as everything else that lives on this planet - animals, species, trees, flowers, herbs. Since we are part of nature, we are also affected by nature - weather, season, time of the day, age, smell, living, eating, sleeping patterns, etc.
As part of nature, humans carry the elements of nature - air, space, fire, earth, and water. The elements all have different qualities and characteristics, which we also have in different amounts of in our constitution. We divide the qualities into three groups - vata (air and space), pitta (fire and water), and kapha (earth and water).
Nature is magic, so are you!
Depending on what constitution you have, and more importantly, what imbalances you may have, you have your specific needs such as daily routines, food, exercise, sleeping patterns, rest, work conditions, and relationships.
Through good knowledge and awareness of how you feel when you are in balance, you will also understand when you are out of balance. To balance an imbalance, you need to add opposite qualities.
How do you know what constitution you have? What is a sign of an imbalance? What can you do?
“Balance is key to sustainable good health”
For example, if you are a doer with a high proportion of pitta in your constitution and have fanned the flames with too many doings, an imbalance can occur. This can result in a short temper, anger, and a burning feeling in the stomach. To balance this you can create space in your calendar that creates a calmer pace, find ways to delegate tasks, add coolness (not cold) in the form of room temperature water to drink, and cooling spices in your food.
The same approach applies to any imbalance - add the opposite of what qualities the imbalance is caused by.
To maintain good health and well-being, create good daily routines that help you be in balance in all parts of you - body, mind, emotional, energy, and spirit - as much as possible.