About Us
Ayur Yoga Academy
The yoga school for inner growth, where you evolve your authentic unique self
Ayur means life. Ayur Yoga Academy offers education and courses that are developed to be the optimal tool to guide you through the different phases in your life. Whether you want to become an authentic conscious yoga teacher or not, this can be the powerful and balanced way to your life goals.
AYA meaning
Wonderful, amazing, beautiful, fortunate, happy, miracle, holy, to gain, prosperity, creative soul.
About me,
Wivi-Anne Nyberg
For most of my life I have worked as an official, mainly in finance and accounting. In my early thirties, during my career as a CEO and with a high load of stress, I started to feel ache moving around in my body.
Yoga became the solution for eliminating the pain and also led me to the path I have followed since then. It is now more than 20 years ago that yoga came to be my passion and companion. I have practised and teached yoga ever since.
I took my education and training for a number of different teachers, mainly in Hatha and Anusara yoga. After supplementing my palette of knowledge with education in ayurveda, I found the whole in the synergy between the two ancient sibling wisdoms - yoga and ayurveda. Based on this, I created Ayur Yoga and Ayur Yin, two international certified yoga teacher trainings.
My background and early years
My knowledge in yoga as a teacher and educator is developed from two different styles of Hatha yoga, BodyRiver Yoga and Anusara Yoga. The years of education in Anusara Yoga evolved my fascination for the body, alignment and biomechanics, realizing that healthy movement through yoga is the best way to keep the body strong and flexible.
Adding my yoga template with education in Yin Yoga gave me the insight of the importance of nurturing your inner world through a flexible fascia, for keeping your energy young and vital.
I took my ayurvedic education to become an ayurvedic therapist in Sweden during two years. To implement the holistic understanding that our actions and habits create our health, I decided to deepen my knowledge through praxis at a clinic in India 2013.
My therapeutic education in EQ, emotional intelligence, brought me valuable understanding for how depressed emotions can limit human behavior and habits. It gave me great skills and tools for my coaching to map, guide and support individuals to heal their emotions.
To maintain and improve my own knowledge I continually participate in training for different teachers over the world. In 2021 for example, I attended a 300-hour continuous YTT with Noah Mazé. Recently I have developed my digital skills through an education with Kelly McHugh.
Meet all the teachers of Ayur Yoga Academy
The AYA trinity
Ayur means life. And life is a treasure you have been given. But to navigate through life, you need the right tools. Do you have the tools to feel alive, brilliant, powerful and energized?
Yoga means union. Through yoga you can connect with all the different aspects of yourself. Yoga makes you strong and flexible in both body and mind. It can also open doors to your emotions and be the life changing gateway to your soul.
Ayurveda means wisdom of life. It is a 5 000 year old Indian holistic science which helps us to live a life in balance. And balance is the key word whenever we talk about living a long life with strong and prosperous health.
“Wivi-Anne leads us with security and an authority that is fantastic and her wisdom is enormous.”
— Helena Urdal, founder and owner of Boutique Yoga, Luxemburg