Let your inner fire be your best friend!
The Pitta dosha is one of the active doshas, according to the wisdom of Ayurveda.
It is the element of fire, which means that it has warm and powerful properties. We all have a certain amount of the Pitta dosha within us - the inner fire. It is the fire that makes you take action.
The Pitta dosha and the element of fire has
💪 powerful energy
🧐 sharp intellect
📊 is results-and goal oriented.
The Pitta is the do:er in you
The other side of the coin is that a person with a lot of pitta often finds it difficult to disconnect from mobile, email, and computer to just relax. The Pitta dosha has high expectations of themselves, and of others. In imbalance, the demands become unreasonable, and even if results are achieved, there is the feeling that you could have done more.
An unbalanced pitta that has too much of the fire element can bring
To bring the Pitta dosha into balance, you need to add opposite qualities.
My recommendations are
📆 create gaps in your calendar. Start low, so that you don't get into performing even here. For example, give yourself a few extra 5-minute breaks during the day.
🚰 drink enough water during the day
🫖 avoid drinking cold. It can activate the fire in your stomach (agni) even more.
🌶 avoid strong spices, such as chili, pepper, and fresh ginger. They will add even more fire.
Drink Heem with cooling spices. You will find the recipe in my other blog post "Cool down your fire" 👉 👉 👉
🥵 elevated body temperature
🤯 headaches and migraines
☄️ indigestion or acid reflux
😠 feelings of frustration, annoyance, or slight anger simmering beneath the surface
🏃🏽♀️difficulty in slowing down with thoughts about what should be done
Pitta out of balance can lead to stress, headache, and migraine
Add some playfulness to your fire
To be cooler, not take life all too seriously, and add some playfulness to daily life, is something that the Pitta dosha can benefit a lot from.
Wivi-Anne Nyberg