Dreams are made to come true
At the time of writing, we are just over a week into the new year. While I feel the great value of summing up the year gone by, I feel and know the power of allowing my dreams to have a free flow to have the chance to be manifested.
My way of doing that is usually by creating a vision board. I need to see the dream, be reminded of it, be enraptured by the images, colors, and words. In this way, I keep my vision alive within me. It helps me to navigate life, it makes it easier to find the right direction when I take the next step.
Some years I have created my vision board on New Year's Eve, other years a day or even a week later. I've also created a vision board in the middle of the year, like 2021 for example. In late spring, my life partner and I created our joint vision board. About a month later, it had become a reality. Wow, it happened with astonishing force! So I don't think it matters when you create your vision. The important thing is that you do it. My advice is that you let your dreams out, see the vision, absorb it and let it manifest through your vision board.
Dreams are made coming true
I am still surprised and overwhelmed by how well it works and the power it has. Even now after I have been doing this for several years. The other day when I looked back at my annual vision boards, I realized how many of my life goals that are now fulfilled actually started with a dream. The dream has shaped the vision and I have navigated from it to see myself living it. Sometimes consciously and very often on an unconscious level.
Ayur Yoga Academy came true out of a dream
A very special example is how Ayur Yoga itself came to me. More and more yogis were asking me to create a yoga teacher training. The first time I heard it, I thought in my quiet mind that "I can't do that..." But the seed was sown. After a few months, I discovered that Ayur Yoga had found a place on my vision board. I smiled, delighted at the inspiration and creativity it awakened in me. At the same time, there was a certain dread - not to say fear - at the challenge of not only getting my knowledge down on paper but also being able to convey it in a training course. And if that wasn't enough, would anyone even want to take my courses?
This was almost ten years ago. Since then, about 200 yogis have taken one or more of my training. Ayur Yoga Academy is expanding internationally and digitally with the AYA Community as an empowering community.
Meet your dreams
Dare to form them on a piece of paper, use colored pencils, cut out pictures, symbols, anything that appeals to you, draw, write, let your creativity flow, see the vision within you. Make your very own unique vision board. You don't need to know how it will look, what steps you need to take, what contacts you want to make, who might be involved in the creation process.
The dream is the most important starting point and it can come to you in a variety of ways. Don't force it, but trust the knowledge of your heart and let your inner voice and guide you. The only thing you need to do is listen and feel.
When you feel ready with your vision board, put it up in a place where you can see it every day, to be reminded of it.
Of course, to make your dream a reality, you need to take active steps in the direction of your vision. But more importantly, you need to believe that it will come true, that it will be fulfilled. Meditate on the vision every day until you can both see yourself in it and feel what it feels like to be there. This is the manifesting part of your dream work. Dare to believe in the life you dream of!