Become a certified Yoga Teacher 


Welcome to our community! 

With Ayur Yoga Academy’s accredited professional yoga teacher certification courses you will develop all the necessary skills to start teaching yoga professionally. You will learn, how to instruct, adjust, correct, modify and structure a comprehensive yoga class. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate that enables you to start teaching yoga all over the world. 

Our yoga teacher certification courses are avaliable both online and physically at our studio.


Online Teacher Training

Ayur Yoga Teacher Training 200 hours consists of four modules with 40 hours training per module, plus 40 hours self studies. We expect you to participate at least half the time on the live sessions. This is important for your certification and for building relationships within the community. When you cannot participate in a live session, you will always have access to a recorded version to complete your training at your own pace.

Ayur Yoga Teacher Training 200 hours consists of four modules of 40 hours training per module. We encourage you to participate as much as possible on the live sessions, for your participation and for building relationships with the community. For the live sessions you can not participate, do the recorded one in your time.

To graduate with a RYT 200 certificate, you must participate online live or / and view the recordings of all four modules. Since this is an interactive and experiential training, we do not require turning in homework or other assignments. There are no tests or exams.

One beauty about online teaching is that there is always more to learn and repetition helps you deepen your knowledge. 


Let Ayur Yoga Teacher Training be the start for your journey inward!


Online benefits:

  • Lower cost

  • Access to content forever

  • Save both time and the climate by not travelling

  • Do it at your own pace - pause, rewind and do the training again


Ayur Yoga Teacher Training 200 hours

[ International certification RYT 200 ]
[ Online or In-person training ]

The Ayur Yoga Teacher training with focus on leading from the heart, in the union between yoga and ayurveda.


The education is based on the five perspectives; body, thought, emotions, energy and soul and will lead you through a balanced journey to become an authentic, knowledgeable and inspiring yoga teacher. 

Ayur Yoga is a physical form of yoga, with hatha yoga and anusara yoga as its base. This means we focus a lot on our body's anatomy, movement and biomechanics with the aim to support good and healthy alignment. Our yoga teacher training is internationally certified by the Yoga Alliance, RYT 200 hours. 

The Ayur Yoga Teacher training is a combination of knowledge and experience based training, since we believe putting what you have learned into action creates a much deeper understanding.

This profound and holistic yoga teacher training with Wivi-Anne and her team will guide and support you to become the best unique teacher that you are aimed to be.

The education will, among other things, give you:

  • Profound/deepening your personal yoga practise

  • Anatomical knowledge to understand the body's movement patterns and how to teach yoga in a biomechanically correct way

  • Skills how to sequence yoga with different focus

  • Understanding in how building themes around a yoga classes

  • Pranayamas (breath work) and their effects

  • Meditation practices 

  • Yoga philosophy

  • Basic knowledge on the foundation of the ancient wisdom ayurveda

  • Understanding in how you can involve ayurveda into your yoga classes

  • Deep understanding how your life is affected by yoga and ayurveda

  • Knowledge of how you can combine these ancient teachings, live them in our modern society, practice and convey both for physical exercise and as a therapeutic aid for well-being

  • Personal ayurvedic advice with follow up during the education (for education in person, pulse reading is included)

  • Educational tools in teaching yoga

  • Guidance to your unique expression as a yoga teacher

  • A security to teach and knowledge how to support your students in the best way

The Ayur yoga YTT 200 hours is the right education for you if:

  • You long for an education where you can become the unique authentic teacher that you are

  • Your ambition is to be able to support and guide your students with deep knowledge, consciousness and secure manner, for them to feel safe

  • You want a course that also can offer a continuous mentor program

  • You want to involve yoga on a deeper level in your own personal journey in life

Upcoming dates for In-person training

2022, in person at Loarps Gård in Tågarp, Sweden

Modul 1: 19th - 23rd of January
Modul 2: 23rd - 27th of March
Modul 3: 18th - 22nd of May
Modul 4: 20th - 24th of July

(at 9.00 AM - 16.30 PM each day)

Module 1 and 2:

Part one and two are the basis for your own in-depth knowledge and practice of yoga. The basics of anatomy will give you an understanding of your body's ability to move and how you can meet any limitations and build your body to be strong and flexible at the same time. 

You will gain an understanding of the basics of Ayurveda with the opportunity to monitor and if necessary improve your own health and well-being. 


  • Ayur Yoga classes 

  • Basics of anatomy 

  • Pranayamas (breathing exercises) 

    - including from an Ayurvedic perspective 

  • Bandhas (body locks) 

  • Meditation 

  • Understanding of Ayurvedic foundations and fundamentals 

  • Ayurvedic self-help advice (including pulse reading in in-person trainings=

  • Understanding of our energy body 

    - including our chakra system 

  • Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy and Mythology 

    - including the Eightfold Path and Bhagavad Gita 

  • The origins and ramifications of yoga

Module 3 and 4:

Your own yoga practice is further enhanced while these two modules mainly focus on your introduction to becoming a yoga teacher. You will get plenty of practice teaching yourself in small and large groups, learning to build your own yoga sequences and classes. 

Anatomy delves into in-depth knowledge to help you understand how yoga can help your students achieve a greater understanding of the body's movement and capacity. 

Even if you don't envision yourself in the yoga role as a teacher, you'll benefit from all the tools we teach in these modules - such as word choice, tone of voice, public speaking, expressing yourself and standing up for your cause. Plus, you'll build an even stronger body, deepen your asana card and develop your unique expression as a human being.


  • Ayur Yoga classes 

    - including more challenging and advanced asanas 

    - how to build sequences and classes 

    - how to build a class with an ayurvedic perspective 

    - different class levels 

  • In-depth anatomy 

  • Pranayamas (breathing exercises) 

    - incl more advanced 

  • Meditation 

    - in-depth, daily practice 

  • Training techniques 

    - vocabulary 

    - using your voice 

    - reflecting 

    - teaching verbally 

  • Philosophy and Mythology of Yoga 

    - including the most common gods of Hinduism and what we can do with these symbols 

  • Stress and the impact of stress on us 



Ayur Yin Teacher Training 90 hours

[ International certification YACEP ]
[ Online or In-person training ]

Yin yoga is a calm and balancing yoga form, and is a passive yoga form in its performance. Through yin yoga we go into the depths and enhance the yoga experience by passing the visible and superficial muscles.


Yin yoga is a calm and balancing yoga form, and is a passive yoga form in its performance. Through yin yoga we go into the depths and enhance the yoga experience by passing the visible and superficial muscles. Here we reach deep into the body, which gives focus to stretching ligaments, joints and connective tissue. This is to release tension, which can be on physical, mental or emotional levels. Tension that we do not release accelerates aging, reduces circulation in the body which can create various imbalances within us.

Yin yogas focus on stretching the connective tissues, the fascia that holds us and every part of the body together - from muscles and bones, to organs and cells - makes us stretch the whole body on the inside. When the fascia (the connective tissue) is soft and flexible, pain and aches in the body are reduced, the immune system works more effectively and the internal organs are given better conditions to keep us in balance, with harmony and higher well-being as a result.

In Ayur yin we focus on our inner world, meaning a special focus given to our energy and emotional body. A balance in each of our bodies and between them, gives us a greater feeling of well-being and a connection with our full awareness of the whole.

The aim of yin yoga is to support our energy channels, our meridians, to become or stay as clean and healthy as possible. When they are, they are able to contribute the energy of life - qi or prana - to flow freely and uninhibitedly.

Ayur yin is given in three different modules, independent of each other, where all three together is 90 hour of training (to do module 2 and/or three you need to have minimum 25 vs 50 hours from another certified teacher)

Ayur yin is given in three different modules, independent of each other, where all three together is 90 hours of training (to do module 2 you need to have minimum 25 hours from another certified teacher. For module 3 you need 50 hours. For signing up to module 2 or/and 3, please send me an email:

Module 1 

Module 1 is the basis for you who want to train yin yoga with either a teaching purpose or simply want an understanding of, as well as experience of, what yin yoga can do for your training, well-being or any rehabilitative needs for higher health. Yin yoga is a great balance to yang-based yoga or any other yang-based training.

Module 1 will, among other things, give you:

  • Yin yoga classes and sequences

  • Anatomy from a yin yoga perspective

  • Pranayamas (breathing exercises)

  • Meditation

  • Understanding of the elements of the ancient wisdom ayurveda

  • Understanding of your energy body

  • How do I get started with my yin practice?

Module 2

Module 2 is for you who want to take yourself deeper into the world of yin yoga, for teaching purposes or simply for you who want deeper knowledge in your yin yoga practice. During this part, you will gain knowledge that prepares you to create yin yoga sequences, to teach yin yoga and what complementary methods that provide an immersed experience of this form of yoga, such as breathing exercises, meditation and self-massage.

Module 2 will, among other things, give you:

  • Yin yoga classes and sequences for deepening your own practice

  • Immersed knowledge of anatomy from a yin perspective, specially with how to support a flexible person

  • Review of the fascia

  • Self-supported-massage

  • Pranayamas (breathing exercises)

  • Meditation practises

  • The foundation of ayurveda

  • The chakra system and our meridians

  • Yin yoga classes with focus on the pairs of meridians

  • Support how to get started with your teaching

Module 3

Module 3 gives you a stronger foundation as a teacher in yin yoga, where we go deeper into the knowledge of how everything is connected: the physical body, the mental being, the emotional body, the energy and your soul. Regardless of where the tension is, how can you meet, accept, breathe through and welcome to release so the energy can be flowing again. We also learn complementary and compensatory yin yoga positions to be able to meet individual needs and how you can focus on meditative elements through visualization.

Module 3 will, among other things, give you:

  • Yin yoga training, positions and sequences

  • Understanding in the balance between yin and yang

  • Therapeutic knowledge in anatomy from a yin perspective

  • Deepening knowledge of the fascia

  • Pranayamas (breathing exercises) and kriyas (cleansing exercises)

  • Meditations

  • The usefulness and role of ayurveda in yin yoga

  • Ayurveda vs chinese Medicine

  • Our meridians and their pairs

  • The impact of meridians and our inner organs, mentally and emotionally

  • Ayur yin yoga classes where different focus brings differences in result


 “I felt that I somehow wanted to develop my yoga practice and knowledge. Mostly for my personal journey, but I also had a dream to work with yoga in some way. Even though I did not choose yoga teacher as profession, the Ayur Yoga YTT brought me to other life goals. Both on a personal level and professionally. I started a webshop named Soul Factory (formerly Yogia). Many of my clients are yoga teachers, experienced yogis or beginners and it is important that I have knowledge in the frame of yoga for me to be able to guide them in the best of ways.”

— Katarina Petersson Andersson founder and owner of Soul Factory



Ayur Yoga Mentor Program for Yoga Teachers

[ Online or In-person training ]

Ayur Yoga Academys Mentoring program is created mainly for you who have participated in one of Ayur Yoga Academys yoga teacher training.


Ayur Yoga Academys Mentoring program is created mainly for you who have participated in one of Ayur Yoga Academys yoga teacher training. If you have attended a YTT 200 hour from another teacher and want to have guidance on how to angle yoga with the balanced perspective that ayurveda comes with, this can be the program for you as well.

The program supports you to move forward in your yoga teaching role or through your personal journey to an authentic holistic lifestyle, with yoga as a tool to get there.

A mentoring program with Wivi-Anne is designed entirely according to your individual personal needs. The guidelines for mentoring are one call or meeting per month via Zoom or Facetime, and in between we map out what individual support you have.

Your program can include topics like:

  • Mapping of your current situation

  • Identifying your goals and desired results

  • Mapping customers and competitors 

  • The role of the yoga teacher as a profession

  • Opportunity to assist during or after your yoga teachers training

  • Opportunity to follow your mentor during class and / or a yoga teachers training

  • How you respond to your students more difficult questions

  • How you support your students therapeutically

Business consulting

  • How to start your own business, in person or/and online?

  • Finances and administration

  • Pricing

  • Budget

  • Marketing etc.

Wivi-Anne Nyberg is the founder of Ayur yoga and Ayur yin, and is also the Ayur Yoga Academys mentor. With her experience as a professional businesswoman and yoga teacher, she provides career guidance, counseling, development, honest and authentic feedback and humble support for you to take your next step.

With her coaching mentorship, she gives you valuable tools to support you during your personal and professional development.

Why do I need a mentor? 

A mentorship offers a number of fantastic benefits. A good mentor shares his or her knowledge and experience to help you succeed. It is like having a close friend or ally to turn to when uncertainty sets in or when issues confront that makes you hesitate.

With 20 years in the profession of yoga, 10 years in holistic health, about 20 years in finance and leading positions in business, Wivi-Anne has a broad experience that can support you on several different levels. Wivi-Anne will help you formulate and achieve your career goals in yoga, how you make wise decisions, create tools for dealing with criticism, solve challenges and deepen your skills. A mentoring program with Wivi-Anne offers you a present and warm outside perspective on your path in the direction of yoga and your way to powerfully and balanced find your life goals.

For those of you who have trained with a yoga teacher other than Wivi-Anne, personal contact is required before you sign up and pay. email here?


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